13:43:54 27-07-2024

Exchange Rate (Reference Only)



About Shopping

How long does it take to carry out my Mercari order?
When we receive a Mercari order during business hours (10:00-19:00 JST), we will carry out the order within 1 hour.
We usually carry out the Mercari orders in around 5-6 minutes on average.
In the case where we must negotiate the price or amount of items with the seller, or when the seller requests we seek permission to purchase a listing, the time needed to complete your order could take more than one hour.
If we receive your Mercari order during 19:00-23:00, night-shift staff will carry out the order within 2 hour.
Usually, it takes around 20-30 minutes on average.
If we receive Mercari orders outside of our business hours, we will carry out the orders in the next business hours.