02:41:14 12-09-2024

Exchange Rate (Reference Only)



Important Notice Before Purchasing

Shopping Service Hours

Our shopping service business hours are from 10 AM to 7 PM (JST), including weekends and national holidays. Shopping orders can be placed anytime.
Usually we make an order within 6 hours from receving your order (in our business hours). However it may take some time to place an order when we need to check anything with the shop.

Writing Product Reviews

We do not offer a service for writing reviews for items. For items which have the option to write a review upon which a reward will be given, we will select the option to not write the review. As such, any rewards such as free shipping, discounts, etc. which may be received for writing a review, cannot be applied to these items.

Pre-ordering/Reserving Items

We can purchase pre-order items. Once your payment has been made, we will place the pre-order for you.

Cancellations, Claims, and Returns

As a general rule, we cannot accept cancellations, returns or claim requests after an order has been placed and paid for. Please check the item page thoroughly before placing your order. Check here for more details.

Combining Domestic Shipping Fees

We can combine domestic shipping together for purchases if the following conditions are met:

  • Items must be purchased from the same seller (same store name and website domain)
  • An order that is sent to us at one time.
  • The seller/store must offer the service to combine domestic shipping fees for multiple items.

If release dates of items are 2 months apart from each other, we split the order into 2 orders, and we charge our selling fee for each order.

Item Information

Please provide the correct item name, item picture, individual item URL and make sure they match with each other when placing an order with us. We are not responsible in the case of purchasing the wrong item(s) due to a description shortage or discrepancy.

Concert Ticket

We cannot buy concert tickets that are sold in a lottery from formal ticket dealer . If you would like to buy the ticket, please find the one in Yahoo Auction or Ticket Ryutsu Center (http://www.ticket.co.jp/), and please send us a shopping order through shopping order form.
Please double check the date and the venue before you send an order.
Please note that if "取引中", "取引終了", or "取引完了" is indicated on the page, the ticket is already sold out.
If you buy a ticket at a ticket market site, a handling fee will be charged by the website. In addition, our handling fee of 1000 yen is required per one order.

Purchasing Products Which Require Proof of Identification (Concert/Admission Tickets, etc.)

All orders placed through GOODY-JAPAN are made under the company director's name. As a result, we are unable to change the name to the purchasing customer's name in products such as concert tickets, entry passes, etc. (which might require a name to be printed). Please note that we cannot refund all your expense even if you cannot attend the concert/event due to verification issues.

Purchasing From Doujin-site and private-blog site

When purchasing from Doujin-site and private-blog site, an additional handling fee may be applied.
We will not treat like prize competition of magazine that needs sending a postcard

Purchasing From Real Shops such as Convenience Stores.

As a general rule, we offer a service for items which are sold online. However, if an item is required to buy at real shops only, it is negotiable as long as the shop is located within around 3km nearby our office. Also 1,000 yen as an additional fee may be applied.

Purchasing Flammable and Explosive Materials

In accordance with the shipping restrictions of the Japan Post and DHL, hazardous items such as explosives, corrosive or flammable materials cannot be sent outside of Japan. Please refrain from purchasing perfume, explosives, and other flammable items. For more information of items deemed dangerous, please refer here. In the case that such items are purchased through us, we will only be able to ship them domestically. Otherwise, we will have to dispose of them for a disposal fee of at least 500 yen without compensation or refund of the purchase.

Note for purchasing alcohol drinks.

Please note that we cannot ship alcohol drinks having an alcohol content of 25% or more internationally. And even if the alcohol content is 24% or less, some countries prohibit importing it for individuals. If you would like to buy alcohols drinks, please check the import regulations in your country, and then please send us an order through manual order form. If we cannot ship the item after purchasing, please note that we cannot refund all of the costs for the purchase.

Purchasing Items Containing Lithium Batteries

Regarding the restriction of shipping lithium batteries to certain countries, in cases that the batteries are attached to the item or built-in, it may be possible to send the item overseas. However, this is limited to 4 battery cells, or 2 assembled batteries per package.

We cannot ship wireless earphones and mobile batteries.

Please contact us before placing an order for items you are unsure of.

  • When shipping lithium batteries, the batteries must be inside and connected to the device using it. As such, there are cases where we will have to open an item to confirm that this is done properly. If you do not wish for us to open your item, please contact us in advance.
  • If you are purchasing an item containing a lithium battery through us, please email us with the order number so we can ensure proper shipment of the item. There are cases when a battery is not properly connected to an item and are returned to us. We are not responsible for lost time or delivery payments in such cases.

Purchasing Oversized Items

Some items cannot be sent using Japan Post depending on the size, shape, and quantity. For further information, please refer here. For items such as car doors, hoods, windshields, etc., cannot be sent. If you would like oversized items, please kindly contact us before ordering.

  • Cars and motorbikes shock absorbers cannot be sent internationally.
  • For wheels with tires together are not acceptable to ship out. They must be separated individually.

Depending on the size, shape, and quantity, a storage fee or special packaging fee may be applied. For items such as car doors, hoods, windshields, and items with excessive size or quantity, etc., please kindly contact us before ordering.

  • For wheels that arrive at our distribution center with the tires still attached, we can only ship them using DHL.
  • Oversized items usually can only be shipped using DHL. Depending on the country, there are cases where the shipping fee is quite expensive using this method. As such, we kindly recommend that you please confirm shipping costs with us if you plan on using DHL.

Domestic Japanese Shipping

For shipping an item from our distribution center to a Japanese address, an 8% handling fee will be applied to the purchase. In addition, when we ship your items to a domestic forwarding company, the extra fee is also required. We do not offer a service to ship items from sellers/shops to a Japanese address directly.

Purchasing Intangible Items

We don't handle any intangible items such as Web Money, Electronic Tickets, Serial codes / accounts of game etc. If such items are placed unwittingly, you may be charged on an extra handling fee of 2,000 yen per item additionally.

Fraudulent Transactions, Incomplete Shipments, Seller Bankruptcy

In cases of fraudulent transactions, or in which an item does not reach us, we are not liable for the loss. This also applies for cases in which a seller does not ship the item for any reason or a store becomes bankrupt. There will be no Our selling fee charged to the purchase, however the buyer will be responsible for paying the total costs related to the purchase.